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Static Power is a Static Transfer Switch specialist. We engineer and deliver adapted STS solutions to all industries in over 50 countries.

How iSTS mitigates likelihood and consequences of a power failure

Should I connect all loads to one iSTS or have a iSTS for each load?
How does iSTS manage fault loads? Can a faulty load drop the all system?
Is there a way to reduce the consequences of a failure?
Is the likelihood of loosing the whole system same than loosing a part of it?

Hope below video will bring some answers.

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How iSTS mitigates likelihood and consequences of a power failure

Should I connect all loads to one iSTS or have a iSTS for each load?
How does iSTS manage fault loads? Can a faulty load drop the all system?
Is there a way to reduce the consequences of a failure?
Is the likelihood of loosing the whole system same than loosing a part of it?

Hope below video will bring some answers.

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