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STATIC POWER’s Static Transfer Switch will transfer seamlessly to a secondary source if failure of the primary.
To avoid propagation of a current fault to the alternate source, iSTS will not transfer if a load is faulty. iSTS will inhibit any transfer till the fault is cleared.
If the fault is not cleared, iSTS protections will be actioned: the load and/or all loads connected to the iSTS will not be supplied.
Multiplying available sources and limiting the number of loads connected to one iSTS reduce System’s risk of failure

Want to learn more about iSTS Solutions, contact us:
+61 3 9437 0494, email or Skype.
Home > iSTS Solutions
STATIC POWER’s Static Transfer Switch will transfer seamlessly to a secondary source if failure of the primary.
To avoid propagation of a current fault to the alternate source, iSTS will not transfer if a load is faulty.
iSTS will inhibit any transfer till the fault is cleared.
If the fault is not cleared, iSTS protections will be actioned: the load and/or all loads connected to the iSTS will not be supplied.
Multiplying available sources and limiting the number of loads connected to one iSTS reduce System’s risk of failure.

Want to learn more about iSTS Transfer Solutions, contact us:
+61 3 9437 0494, email or Skype.